Thursday, October 16, 2008

postman's holiday

Scroll down and find the archive from 18 months of Postman's Horn.

But here is a poem by Andrew Lang which I offer light-heartedly:

To Correspondents
My Postman, though I fear thy tread,
And tremble as thy foot draws nearer,
'Tis not the Christmas Dun I dread,
My mortal foe is much severer--
The Unknown Correspondent, who,
With undefatigable pen,
And nothing in the world to do,
Perplexes literary men.

From Pentecost and Ponder's End
They write: from Deal, and from Dacotah,
The people of the Shetlands send
No inconsiderable quota;
They write for autographs; in vain--
In vain does Phyllis write, and Flora,
They write that Allan Quatermain
Is not at all the book for Brora.

They write to say that 'they have met
This writer 'at a garden party,
And though' this writer 'may forget',
THEIR recollection's keen and hearty.
'And will you praise in your reviews
A novel by our distant cousin?'
These letters from provincial blues
Assail us daily by the dozen!

O friends with time upon your hands,
O friends with postage-stamps in plenty,
O poets out of many lands,
O youths and maidens under twenty,
Seek out some other wretch to bore,
Or wreak yourselves upon your neighbours,
And leave me to my dusty lore
And my unprofitable labours!

1 comment:

Steve MC said...

I found your site tonight when searching for a quote from Conrad, and was delighted at the discovery. I've read the letters of Emily Dickinson, Keats, and Twain, and now I can peruse Conrad and Stevenson and even more here. (Love that first one by Hammett.) Thanks for posting all these, and all the best.