Friday, May 18, 2007

George Borrow's Ennui

To Dr. John Bowring

7 Museum St., Sept. 14. 1830.

My Dear Sir,--I return you the Bohemian books. I am going to Norwich for some short time as I am very unwell, and hope that cold bathing in October and November may prove of service to me. My complaints are, I believe, the offspring of ennui and unsettled prospects. I have thoughts of attempting to get into the French service, as I should like prodigiously to serve under Clausel in the next Bedouin campaign. I shall leave London next Sunday and will call some evening to take my leave; I cannot come in the morning, as early rising kills me.--Most sincerely yours,

G. Borrow

-from The Life of George Borrow by Clement K. Shorter (London: J. M. Dent & Sons, n. d.(1919))p.89.